BBC Radio 4 show, The Bottom Line, hosts RateMyPlacement

Posted by Ollie on 15 Mar 2019

RateMyPlacement and the topic of Internships has been featured in this week's BBC Radio 4 show, The Bottom Line.

RMP Enterprise co-founder, Ollie Sidwell, was invited by the BBC to be a part of the popular business discussion programme. Hosted by Evan Davis, the show discusses various topics over 30 minutes, with people at the top giving insight into what really matters.

During the show, Ollie championed the benefits of internships and how forward-thinking employers are using them as a pipeline of great talent.

He was joined by Sarah Churchman OBE, Chief Inclusion & Wellbeing Officer at PwC and Amalia Illgner, a student who had a great internship at the Economist and a bad experience at fashion magazine Monocle.

Ollie comments:

"With 10 million weekly listeners on Radio 4 it was slightly daunting to be asked to contribute, but it was great to discuss all things internships on such a widely listened-to platform. Meeting Evan Davies was great - he's such a class act! We spoke about what internships are and their benefits for both employers and students."

"Amalia had mixed views and we spoke about her bad experience at Monocle, which follows on from her article in The Guardian. Given the BBC are looking for a balanced business argument, it fuelled a great discussion on the topic."

"Evan referenced our website as 'the TripAdvisor for internships' and in the short period of time I had with him, it was clear he understood all the amazing work we're doing to raise the profile of internships and undergraduate employability."

bbc radio 4 the bottom line

Executed well, interns and placement students are the best source of talent for employers looking to recruit graduates. The average retention rate of undergraduates returning as graduates is currently 54%, and all of our Top Undergraduate Employers believe in investing their time and money in recruiting undergraduates.

It's no surprise that Stephen Isherwood, Chief Executive of the Institute of Student Employers was quoted as saying that "former interns make better hires, as they stay longer and outperform their peers."

We'd love for you to listen to the radio show and get involved with the conversation on Twitter#TheBottomLine.